CTL : You're doing fine thank you. CTL : Garbe 456 Squawk VFR, frequency change Approved.
CTL : Forbe 112PR, contact San Juan Center 135.7.
If no joy
PIL : Climb and maintain flight level 260, American 1019. CTL : American 1019 if you would and turn 10° to the right.
PIL : Okay, we're looking, we don't have him. CTL : Air Transat 645 Heavy
CTL : AIR TRANSAT 645, you can expect higher on the next frequency with Denver Center. You have at FL330.
This is Heathrow information hours weather.
Landing runway Departure runway
Surface wind varying between 180° and 280°
Nil weather
Cloud Ft
Temperature + Dew point +
Please be advised that Dover VOR is unserviceable from
Pilots are requested to take caution while manoeuvring in the runway holding areas is not assured. Pilots are requested to report aircraft type and acknowledging information XXX on first contact
with Heathrow.
Voici des tests fournis par la DGAC sur leur site internet pour permettre au candidat de voir un peu le type d'examen qui leur sera demandé de faire pour le FCL 1.028 IFR.
Ces tests sont la propriété de la DGAC et ils sont tous accessibles gratuitement depuis leur site internet section formation pratique.
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