CTL : G-IJ maintain altitude 2000 feet …………………………………………………. QNH 1023, report approaching
the French Coast. CTL : XA is cleared touch and go surface wind
CTL : G -TC, 3 miles from touchdown, height should be 950 ft
, surface wind 090 / 5 knots.
CTL : F-TC, , surface wind 090 / 11 knots.
CTL : G-BATC, Swansea Tower, readability 5, via C and D, QNH 998 mbs.
CTL : G-BATC, Scottish Information,
CTL : F-TC, 10 miles to the South East of Cardiff, , squawk 7000, free call Yovelton radar 127,350.
CTL : G-BATC, clear to enter the zone, special VFR, not above altitude
2000 feet, East Midlands QNH 1019, , QFE 1009.
CTL : G-TC, left turn after departure, ,
cleared for take off.
CTL : F-DE, route via the East bank of Mersey, clearance limit is the old
North airfield, runway 09, QFE 1012,
CTL : F-BCDE, Blackpool Tower, readability 5, taxi to the holding point
, QNH1020.
Jersey information acknowledge receipt all
and advise on first contact.
Time 1720
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