Section : Ecoute de bandes VFR |
Lecture de la bande audio :
Identifiez-vous pour la correction!
CTL : GXL. ................ Noise abatement. 300, 6 knots.
PIL : Cleared take-off. GXL.
CTL : GAR. ............... the 25 hold.
PIL : Wilco, AR.
CTL : GCF. Taxi to the apron and ..............., please. Message from Wycombe Air Centre.
PIL : To the pumps. CF.
PIL : Wycombe, good moming. GLARK ................ Request taxi to the pumps.
CTL : RK. Taxi YQ your taxiway. Report ready ............... runway 25.
PIL : Taxiway. To report for backtrack, thank you.
CTL : OT. There is an aircraft ............... taxiing towards the runway.
PIL : Roger, OT.
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